Wild Things

Sep 05, 2020 15:54

Great White Sharks discovered having a Close Encounter, Doing Their Wild Thing.
The guerrilla rewilder shaking up British farming: Derek Gow is winning over doubters in his bid to reintroduce storks, beavers, wildcats, water voles and much, much more.
National Trust encouraging people to tune in to the sounds and sights of nature and will also encourage people to make donations to fund its nature conservation work. Possibly this is less contentious than some of the other ways it has been in the news lately...
Principally famous for its association with fictional stuffed toys: Covering almost 2,430 hectares, Ashdown Forest, in the High Weald area of outstanding natural beauty, is actually more heath than woodland, a landscape now rarer than tropical rainforest. Undulating sandstone ridgetops of gorse, heather and fern dominate, peppered with woodlands and bordering the mile-long Weir Wood reservoir. This is an ancient place, having escaped cultivation since Norman times, when it was set aside as a royal hunting ground.

Decline of the yakuza: Japan's anti-yakuza laws result in cohort of ageing gangsters.

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crime, fish, environment, children's literature, animals, nature

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