Six Ground-Breaking Women Archaeologists (who dug on English Heritage sites, or sites now in the care of English Heritage).
Lesbians and the law: the Wolfenden Report and same-sex desire between women - we look forward to Derry's book on lesbians and the law in England and Wales (with hopes that Palgrave Macmillan will have another prices-slashed sale, ahem).
Lord Ronald Gower (1845-1916): the life of a queer MP at the time of the Second Reform Act.
[A] simple form of direct action, addressing Britain’s shameful lack of public toilets.
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turmeric and its history in European cuisine, but although there is a brief mention of saffron, how rare and exotic could turmeric have been when saffron was already being used to colour food yellow? (Though saffron was massive expensive and still is.)
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