What I read
Finished Niccolo Rising - wow, there was a lot of 'little did they know/had they but known' and foreshadowing stuff: and it's long enough ago since I first read the lot that I'm probably missing what's foreshadowing and what's just flourishes. And okay, I am entirely there for a plot that involves shenanigans to do with the alum trade, and a geopolitics in which England is barely visible (perhaps I read too many historical novels about the Wars of the Roses/100 Years War in my youth?), but - And then with the crypticness and sudden revelations.
I did have a brief break from all this with Cat Sebastian, A Little Light Mischief, which landed yesterday, f/f romance, sweet if a bit slight.
On the go
Dorothy Dunnett, Spring of the Ram (1987), about 7/8ths there. This is a bit second-album perhaps - or anyway, moving things on from the first volume while still setting up further stuff that is presumably going to explode later on? Anyway, this is the one that begins with the antagonist putting the moves on Niccolo's barely adolescent stepdaughter - which is just-about period appropriate but also indications that, not completely acceptable - and takes our protags to Trebizond and the last remnants of Byzantium. And there is a lot going on and it's a bit - in keeping, I guess - like one of those very busy Flemish paintings of the period with a plethora of intricate details. Also, we note that Dunnett was not, perhaps, as comfortable with sexual diversity as her countrywoman of an older generation Naomi Mitchison...
Still rather plodding on with The House of Sundering Flames, partly because it's my on-the-go on the ereader book at the moment.
Up next
Well, do I go straight on to Race of Scorpions, or do I take a break and read something in a different vein?
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