Yesterday my Freedom Pass died: it had been intermittently wonky for a bit, but sufficiently intermittently for me to wonder whether it was the FP or some problem with the particular gate or whatever I was presenting it at. But yesterday it was proved terminally cracked and non-operational (and I was obliged to purchase a 1 day Travel Card to get to our destination and back again).
So the first thing I did upon returning home was go onto the website to put a replacement in hand. And while I got logged in to the site with no bother, when I got past the 'confirm your existing details', which were, indeed, exactly the same as the last time I put in for a replacement, the next page said 'as you have changed your details' WOT no I had NOT 'we need evidence of your address' please attach scan or photo of [one of the following documents, several of which had to be dated within the last 3 months] to confirm address'. I am not somebody who immediately shreds documents but I had some difficulty in laying hands upon something that fitted their bill, though at least I have an operational scanner and was able to scan and attach as instructed once I had found something that fitted their parameters.
However, I did eventually succeed in completing the entire operation and have been informed that a new pass is on its way.
Also, perhaps I will not rehearse the massive annoyance that is academic journals article review sites? Are there any that do not have users beating their heads upon their desks? So clunky.
There was also an issue booking cinema tickets which I am still not sure whether it was Firefox taking a dislike to their site, or their site having temporary problems.
And I throw this out as a question: Am I being paranoid if somebody sends me a message about a topic in which I might, conceivably, have some interest (actually it's something that I am quite furiously staying out of and keeping my head down about, because I have a good deal less interest in it than people think I do, but circumstances have dragged me into that general area) but it comes from a name that is not familiar to me at a hotmail address and the body of the message is a button saying 'Display message'?
The peeves and the niggles are crawling all over me, pretty much.
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