What I read
Lara Elena Donnelly, Armistice (2018), which I found stronger in some respects than Amberlough and am now feeling very twitchy about waiting for the next volume.
Joanna Chambers, Introducing Mr Winterbourne (2018) a v short v fluffy m/m romance - because I needed something fluffy as a change of pace - but really, this was almost too fluffy, I found the rapid progress to the commission of acts at the period deemed capital crimes rather implausible especially given the state of extreme reserve if not hostility existing between the relevant characters at the outset.
Ben Aaronovitch, Lies Sleeping (2018): well, this did move the larger arc on considerably, though I felt there was a certain amount of running around in circles getting there.
Michelle Dean, Sharp: The Women Who Made an Art of Having an Opinion (2018), a book which I noted as possibly of interest some while ago, came to my attention during the week, and discovered it was available in ebook at a very agreeable price. I enjoyed it: maybe she could have done a bit more with these women, but I found it interesting and engaging (okay, I had my nitpicks at the Rebecca West chapter) and it has given me thoughts about women who got that position as exceptional at a time when most women were pretty much ignored as writers/intellectuals/critics and the period most of them were working during, and that all of them, even if they were ambivalent about feminism, were non-deferential to men and utterly scathing about male pomposity and pretentiousness. And about the competitiveness/rivalries and whether that was about the sense that That Can Be Only One, or whether there was so much assumption around that Wymmynz B Bitchez to Each Other that it was hard to shake (and some of them did form friendships, e.g. the McCarthy/Arendt fromance - ?womance).
Two episodes (last week's and this) of Tremontaine Season 4.
Also some more of Delafield's humorous pieces for Time and Tide.
On the go
Started Theodora Goss, The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter (2017), which I am really having difficulty getting into - something about the style is not working for me. Also I am not sure I can really buy Dr Jekyll having been married and even a father: so counter-canonical.
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