Wednesday is, I gather, Diwali

Nov 07, 2018 17:34

What I read
Some more Delafield short stories.
Barbara Hambly, Cold Bayou (2018) - found it took me a while to get up to speed with this, partly because it started with a largish group of assorted characters with history with one another assembling in a remote location, but it was really good.
Laurie R King, Island of the Mad (2018): yes, okay, she'd done a lot of due diligence about Venice in the 1920s - there was perhaps a bit 'my research I show u it' - and bringing in members of the international party-set likely to living it up there. Also Fascisti. Plus, it was one of those set-ups where the knowing reader is likely to have got there with the explanation for the mystery ages before the light dawns for Mary Russell. I am not really sure - apart from plot necessity - why aristocratic lady at centre of plot was in Bedlam (at what is now Imperial War Museum site) rather than that very fine private establishment in Sussex...
On the go
The Letters of Noel Coward edited by Barry Day (2007). I'm not sure I'm entirely happy about the editing decisions, which involves lots of editor's own text about what was going on, and a rather weird approach to chronology, but there's some fascinating stuff there.
Just started, MR Carey, Someone Like Me (2018).
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letters, delafield, theatre, thrillers, meme, books, biography, reading, hambly, histfic, mysteries

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