Lately, that is, two minutes ago, discovering that there is a free Kindle edition of A Room of One's Own, and while I have a pretty Penguin paperback with by now somewhat yellowing pages, I thought, why not, as the reason I was even looking was because I had had need of a particular quotation from that work and it would be useful to have an e-version to copy and paste from at similar necessity -
But, anyway, my dearios, having made my purchase, I was offered the opportunity to 'Follow the Author' to get new release updates and improved recommendations.
And indeed I concede that the Bloomsbury industry shows no sign of ceasing to go marching on so bits and bobs I daresay will continue to emerge from time to time, but I do not really think that we can hope for anything really substantial in the way of new releases from Ms Woolf -
Does Amazon know something we do not? Have they reanimated her corpse? Do they have a cadre of channelers even now bringing through Orlando: the Millennial Years? (And will she, like those composers channeled by
Rosemary Brown, have found being noncorporeal somewhat deteriorating to her genius?)
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