Moar Culchah

Jul 07, 2018 20:12

During the week my sister rang up to say she and s-i-l were coming up to London today to go to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition and would we like to join them. And after some consultation we decided we would.
(I don't think in planning this excursion they had factored in that the Pride March would be traversing Piccadilly Circus and somewhat affecting their own travel, but it was not a major obstacle.)
It's not something I habitually go to, but it was really quite enjoyable/interesting and a great deal less staid old-skool art than I had anticipated. Possibly too much to altogether take in - I particularly lingered in the architectural models room.
Also quite dispersed around the building in different rooms - although they checked our tickets on first entering there were no further checks, I was a bit surprised, also that there was no bag-checking. Also an actual bar in Gallery III.
Not sure I saw anything that I'd yearn to put on my own wall.
This disturbance to our usual Saturday routine meant that we did a supermarket shop on the way home, finding the shelves largely ravaged by locust hordes by that time. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

architecture, art, exhibition, shopping, family

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