Things that lately evoked a thought or two

Jun 30, 2018 15:46

Dept of, no, you are living the anachronistic Boys Own Adventure Dream: Benedict Allen arrives dressed like an explorer: all in green, multi-pocketed jacket, sturdy trousers, a bag that could carry accessories in the Amazon. It is a somewhat anachronistic get-up for a meeting in central London, at the Savoy hotel, but very useful given that we want a picture of him in the gardens next to the Embankment, which, for our purposes, will double as a jungle. I rest my case, even before reading the rest of the article. Though I will suggest that there is a long tradition of 'old-style public school adventurer[s]' undergoing male initiation rites (and not just at their public schools...) and not trying to pass it off as proper participant observation anthropology. [/cynicism]
Dept of, I have seen this place rebranded so many times: at least, I am inclined to suppose that this hot new fish restaurant occupies the same location where once Virginia Woolf's Burgers and Grills had its niche within the Russell Hotel (because I can't think of any other building that sits on that exact corner), and was later, I think VW's? Like the judgement: 'At the end of the day, it’s just a pretty room serving fish suppers.'
Dept of, do we not all love miniature things? Bim Adewunmi on the Thorne Miniature Rooms at the Art Institute Chicago. (Though I would also recommend putting some time aside to spend with the Monets.)
Dept of, this sounds interesting, but also potentially frustrating: Sharp by Michelle Dean review - what do Dorothy Parker, Hannah Arendt and Susan Sontag have in common?. At least it's not about fascinating suffering wymmynz? This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

women, links, restaurants, anachronism, anthropology, cynicism, review, museum, criticism, art, exploration

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