Has been very mixed.
Got to bed really early last night and slept pretty well until fairly early this am, when couldn't get back to sleep, so decided to get up and get the earlier bus.
I am still boggling over the shuttle driver hotel-bus terminal chatting me up (I was the only passenger and probably could have risked the later shuttle...). WOT, no, WOT is this that this is? I thought I was past all that.
Bus journey fine, we even had wifi.
However, when we got to Madison, my phone decided it did not want to communicate with any of the numbers I had carefully added to my contacts list for hotel shuttle, taxis, etc. It also seemed to be telling me that I was clean out of credit, implying that I had burnt through an implausibly large amount in under 24 hours, even having turned off using mobile connection to access internet etc (this now appears to ha]ve been a temporary blip).
Dragged self and luggage to a coffee-shop, as in dire need of coffee. Of course such places no longer have pay phones but somebody kindly lent me a phone to call a cab.
Which did not turn up, or else did so well after I had nearly had a meltdown, and then decided to drag self and luggage (new suitcase's steering is not all that could be desired) to hotel.
Where, mirabile dictu, my room was ready when I checked in.
I went across the street to get something to eat, which was becoming a matter of urgency. All the sandwiches had cheese in, but the young man said they could take it out and substitute tomato. What he did not say was a) they would then faff around toasting it, did.not.want, and b) there was grated cheese on the crust of the panini thing, WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS.
I then spent a fun afternoon unpacking, getting my devices to talk to the internet, and finding some way to be able to work with a Word document on my YogaBook. I think I have a workaround but not sure entirely satisfactory.
However, I then went out for a walk and have been able to book a massage with the amazing massage person on the square.
My first choice for comfort food for dinner was not serving food this evening, what I ended up with was a bit meh but I had some really great ice-cream afterwards.
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