So, yesterday we made the excursion - ?pilgrimage - to Haworth, by way of the
Keighley and Worth Valley Railway, a heritage line that runs (but only on diesel, not steam, chiz) on Wednesdays. Serious railway buff territory, with replica signage, etc.
At Haworth, the road winds uphill all the way, yea, to the very end, over cobbles, past craft shops and artisanal coffee shops etc until it gets to the church and parsonage - in summer it is rumoured there is a shuttle bus, but not the most accessible of places.
The Parsonage itself is tiny - even smaller than Orchard House in Concord, which was a lot smaller than I'd envisaged. I'm not sure, small as they were, how the Brontes all fitted into it. It's all pretty well done, and there is a larger attached exhibition space. I don't think there was anything there that had me becoming vociferous in contradiction: unlike the notice on the pub that described the landlord as Branwell's friend - ahem, I think you meant 'enabler'...
Today we went to Wakefield and the
Hepworth, which is absolutely great, at least for such a Hepworth fangirl as moi. Lots of her actual work as well as other stuff and temporary exhibitions.
And then on to the
Yorkshire Sculpture Park, which is a bit of a faff to get to and from without a car. Also possibly not the best day to do it: although rain mostly held off there was a chill and fairly strong wind, and as there lately had been rain in quantity, the ground was very soggy in places and parts had been fenced off from public access on that account.
Also, is very spread out; and while some of the works are entirely ace and worth the trip, others are a bit here-is-my-SRS-artistic-statement (with explication on a board in tbe vicinity).
There were also Highland cattle, sheeps, and woods with bluebells (I think ye native English sort).
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