Wednesday had an e-reader crisis*

Mar 21, 2018 17:38

What I read
The House of Binding Thorns - even though I was not entirely sure I was in the mood for a fantasy set in a crapsack world in which nobody is a very nice character and the best outcome is only ever a lesser evil, this was so well-written that I didn't actually put it down and pick up something fluffy.
Jeannelle M. Ferreira, The Covert Captain: Or, A Marriage of Equals (2018): f/f historical romance, but in spite of the Regency setting, rather grittier than that might imply. (As in, the 'Polly Oliver' character has PTSD from the Peninsular Campaign, among other things.) I found there was something a bit distanced about the narrative style: interesting idea, no gross anachronisms, well-done but somehow I didn't entirely warm up to it.
D. B. Borton, Smoke (2017). Borton was a mystery writer who was fairly prolific around the 90s, and had a series with a middleaged protag that was not, as I recollect, All About The Cozy. There appear to have been two later entries in the series which are only available as very expensive dead-tree editions, chiz. This was a non-series book, except it felt like it was part of a series? - protag is an (elderly but before an accident before the beginning, fit and hale) operative for one of those somewhat mysterious morally ambiguous security firms that crop up in crime/thriller/caper fiction. I felt this was just a bit too throwing too much in: art theft, art forgery, murder, different groups with an interest in the game, though at least it didn't do the 'the fake/ghastly weekend painter art is actually painted over the priceless work of art' which I was expecting. I might go back to the series (think I still have the old paperbacks on the shelf somewhere) and see if it holds up.
I realise that last week I forgot to mention the reread of Margaret Drabble, The Dark Flood Rises.
On the go
Still What Are We Doing Here?.
Up Next
Elizabeth Bear, Stone Mad (2018), which I would probably have already started, had *e-reader not been doing something weird and opening unread books at a blank page and claiming that they were 99% finished and if I tried to navigate to the start going back to the home screen. I was a bit worried that this would mean, if not an entirely new one, a major factory reset. In fact switching it off and switching it on again appears to have sorted the problem (I hope).
On the dread decline of the market for litfic: lately came across this, which suggests that it is not a new phenomenon, or at least, the Rot Set In much earlier, but was concealed by the arcane practices of publishing and bookselling. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

crime, margaret drabble, thrillers, meme, books, litfic, fantasy, lesbians, reading, historical novel, bad business practices, romance, technology

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