What I read
Last week's episode of Tremontaine, also this week's, which winds up the season, I think? It feels as if it's brought several of the current plot arcs to resolution, while leaving threads loose for another season.
Finished Women As Public Moralists, which I mostly liked and enjoyed, with just that slight qualm that, although I really liked and enjoyed the earlier chapters about early C19th women who were writing with cultural authority and the ways in which gender was involved in that, I did not entirely concur with the readings of Rebecca West (dealt with rather briefly) and Virginia Woolf. But then, I felt that I was having a significant amount added to my general knowledge of e.g. Anna Jameson, Hannah Lawrance, and Margaret Oliphant.
Zoe Chant, Leader Lion (Protection Inc Book 5) (2017): enjoyable, even if I spotted - or at least, had dark suspicions of, a certain character not being on the up and up quite early on.
Avon Gale and Roan Parrish, Heart of the Steal (2017) m/m romance: agreeable enough, reasonable fodder for a rather dreary train-journey I took last week.
On the go
Still Dreams of Dark and Light (because, really, far more dark than light, can only read a few at a sitting).
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Neogenesis (Liaden Universe 21) (2018). Got rather bogged down in this - there seemed to be a lot of futtock-shroudery about Ancient Alien Technology From Another Universe, and Dodgy Organisations with various agendas, and successive volumes and storylines do seem to have acquired a good deal of bloat since Agent of Change, 30 years ago. But am struggling through.
Emma Liggins, Odd Women?: Spinsters, Lesbians and Widows in British Women's Fiction, 1850s-1930s (2014) - this was a freebie in return for commenting on a book proposal. So far, rather good, though the date of publication means that the author would not have been able to have the benefit of Mi Thorts in a 2015 article on morbid female emotional attachments.
Up next
No idea.
PSA: Manchester University Press are having a
New Year Sale with massive - 80%!!! reductions.
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