But this is a wider annoying thing that people do

Sep 12, 2017 10:10

Glancing through Ask A Manager this morning I spotted this (4th question down): I work in a factory environment and split my time between the office and the factory floor, and when I work on the floor (where it’s always warm because of the machinery, especially in the summer), I usually end up sweaty. When I go back to the office, I do my best to cool off and dry my face and hair, and I often wrap a scarf around my head to absorb the sweat. For some reason, people think this makes me look like a ninja warrior. I’m not making this up - many people (mostly from outside my department) have said this on numerous occasions, and they seem to think it is a hilarious observation. I have lost count of how many people have asked me, “Haha, are you a ninja warrior?” or simply stated, “Oh, you’re wearing your ninja headband today.”
(poster has a health problem causing excessive sweating.)
But people do that much more generally, it's really, really, annoying, because they each of them think they are the first one to have made this hilarious (NOT) comment about your appearance or thing you are doing.
While invoking the health necessity angle may get them off this poster's back, I am not sure there is any way - short of the 'when I am dictator of the universe' scenario* - that one can stop people doing this really very irksome thing.
*When there will be extreme penalties for standing on the wrong side of the escalator or clustering at entrances in such a way that no-one can get by, and stopping dead either going into or coming out from the automatic gates to the Tube (and at top/bottom of the escalator).
(Sustainable alternatives to codfish, suitable for thwacking purposes, will have to be sought.). This entry was originally posted at http://oursin.dreamwidth.org/2657119.html. Please comment there using OpenID. View

annoyance, advice, tube, niggle, peeves, no not funny

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