Wednesday is grey again

Sep 06, 2017 15:57

What I read
Finished Wicked Wonders: excellent.
Read the latest Slightly Foxed and Literary Review.
Ngaio Marsh, Grave Mistake (1978) - well, this doesn't on the whole count among the cringe-making Marshes, but the plot is perhaps unduly convoluted.
On the go
Aliette de Bodard, The Citadel of Weeping Pearls (2017) - having a bit of difficulty getting into this, which I think is a function of its being not a book to be read in snatches during a conference: which was why I picked up the Marsh, which I had packed as one of my Just In Case books.
Moira Burgess, Mitchison's Ghosts: Supernatural Elements in the Scottish Fiction of Naomi Mitchison (2008), which I only heard about last week. Very good so far.
Up next
Have recently put several things onto the e-reader, still have some of my trove from Camden Lock, and there are things coming out shortly on my want to read list. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

litcrit, mitchison, meme, mysteries, books, sff, reading

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