What I read
Finished Wicked Wonders: excellent.
Read the latest Slightly Foxed and Literary Review.
Ngaio Marsh, Grave Mistake (1978) - well, this doesn't on the whole count among the cringe-making Marshes, but the plot is perhaps unduly convoluted.
On the go
Aliette de Bodard, The Citadel of Weeping Pearls (2017) - having a bit of difficulty getting into this, which I think is a function of its being not a book to be read in snatches during a conference: which was why I picked up the Marsh, which I had packed as one of my Just In Case books.
Moira Burgess, Mitchison's Ghosts: Supernatural Elements in the Scottish Fiction of Naomi Mitchison (2008), which I only heard about last week. Very good so far.
Up next
Have recently put several things onto the e-reader, still have some of my trove from Camden Lock, and there are things coming out shortly on my want to read list.
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