What I read
Finished (more or less) the Norah Ephron - e.g. skipping pieces I'd read recently in other collections.
Two non-series novellas by Courtney Milan, The Lady Always Wins (2013) (I spotted that denouement coming a long way off) and What Happened at Midnight (2013) - slight but enjoyable.
On the go
Marriage Material has not quite yet fallen into the category of 'given up': but although it's not a 'throw at the wall' book, it is a 'put it down, do not feel any great urge to pick it up' book.
Started Matt Cook, Queer Domesticities: Homosexuality and Home Life in Twentieth-Century London (2014).
Also started, Ursula Le Guin, Words Are My Matter: Writings About Life and Books, 2000-2016, with a Journal of a Writer's Week (2016), as my ebook on the go.
Up next
Maybe Timmi Duchamp's Waterdancers' World, just out from Aqueduct?
And further to yesterday's post, now this is what I call edgy cuisine:
Salvador Dalí's surreal cookbook set to be Christmas bestseller.
I rather fear it will be so out there that the effect, and possibly even the intention, will be reverse peristalsis.
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