Maybe my cold is making me a bit grouchy today

May 12, 2016 16:32

But: -
Article on the late Sally Brampton, a woman who had an amazing career (in particular given her struggle with depression), aged 60, in which one of her 'oldest friends' (male) says 'She was a brave girl', Diminishing much?
Turmeric latte: the ‘golden milk’ with a cult following: [T]urmeric is the latest health-food trend to originate from the south Asian pantry, another sign that the Indian subcontinent may be ahead of the hipster curve. Turmeric and milk is a fairly well-entrenched drink in the region’s food culture, where it is considered a restorative. Turmeric is part of Ayurvedic medicine - a holistic, all-natural approach to health that has been practised for centuries in India
Not only does it sound a major faff to make, that 'holistic, all-natural approach to health that has been practised for centuries in India' would have been all those centuries of high mortality, plague, malaria, rabies, smallpox etc. I would say, would people get all caught up in humoral medicine, which was practised for centuries in Europe, and then I think, o yes, they do, LEECHES. My black bile runneth over.
And then you've got these 'artists' making 'land art' in the New Mexican desert, and I can see quite a lot of problems with that, when I read that: In the late 60s, a generation of young, New York-based artists, inspired by the space race but also by the turmoil of Vietnam, decided that galleries weren’t big enough to house their visions. So they struck out, choosing instead to make works on an epic scale, sculpted from the elements, in the astounding desert landscapes of the US south-west.

That would be, those astounding desert landscapes that Georgia O'Keeffe painted without feeling the necessity to throw up huge erections.
We also discover that “I had never visited any ancient observatories when I started building this. But when I visit them now I realise - from my experience of Star Axis - exactly why they built them: to get a feeling for the sky. They wanted to touch it, make it personal. They wanted to have a sense that they were reaching out and making physical contact with those alignments. A sensory experience, that’s what they were going for, and you get it immediately if you go to Mayan observatories. You’re immediately in - mentally, spiritually, physically.”
Sigh. (Speaking as someone who found the Jantar Mantar just around the corner from her hotel when in New Delhi.) This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

gender, artists, ponceyness, masculinity, medicine, word usage, art, higher codswallop, tradition, india, grouchies, woowoo, language, feminism

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