Wednesday is emerging from the rabbithole

Mar 23, 2016 17:09

What I read
It was all K J Charles, all of the time: The Magpie Lord (2013), A Case of Possession (2014), Flight of Magpies (2014), two shorter pieces about the same characters, and the related Rag and Bone (2016) and Jackdaw (2015) (is there going to be an redemptive arc for the thoroughly obnoxious guy in the Council Hall, or is he irredeemable?). Also Think of England (2015), for which I would really like sequels, especially if they are likely to run into characters from the Buchanverse - okay, given the period Hannay is probably still mining things in South Africa and Sandy Arbuthnot is chumming around with Albanian brigands, but Leithen? Bullivant? Macgillivray? And The Secret Casebooks of Simon Feximal (2015).
On the Go
I've begun Barbara Hambly, Drinking Gourd (2016), the latest Benjamin January mystery, but I realise I need to set myself some time not to take this in short bites.
I've also dipped in to the book I was at the launch of recently, Brett Kahr, Tea with Winnicott (2016).
Up next
Dunno. Have just been sent a book for review and suppose I should read that.
In other book-related news: The Custodian of Forgotten Books. I think the person described in that article used to be on LJ in those long-gone halcyon days, but will not mention their user name (though they no longer seem to be on LJ) in case a) I'm wrong b) issues of confidentiality. As I recall, if it is the same person, although I recall conversations on neglected books, there were also posts on more personal matters. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

meme, books, john buchan, reading, hambly, lj, historical novel, psychoanalysis, homosexuality, sff

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