Wednesday is here again, does it ever go away?

Jan 27, 2016 13:45

What I read
Was finally in that particular state of mind to plug on with Grey Granite (A Scots Quair 3), in which Ewan increasingly loses the reader's sympathy, which I know is not the point. Also, while I think the Chris sections are well-done, I'm just not sure that she would be quite so much into the sear-and-withered time of life, even with the hardships she's undergone. Nonetheless, a very good trilogy, even if it does require the right frame of mind. (Also, was rather amused to see that Mitchell/'Grassic Gibbon' actually wrote it in Welwyn Garden City, you could not make it up.)
Finished Uprooted. Given that this did several tropes that I could do without, for we have seen them many times already, in particular the learned/intuitive magic gendered thing (and was a bit iffy about the denouement) I still found it a compelling read.
Melissa Scott and Jo Graham, Oath Bound, which was v good though possibly not so much as previous volume in series. (And this was second novel read within past year that is about the invasion of Ethiopia by the Italians in the 1930s. Neither of which, as I recollect, included anything about Sylvia Pankhurst.)
Last week's episode of Tremontaine.
On the go
Rather slowly, the bio of Barbauld.
(Research) John Stewart, Child Guidance in Britain, 1918-1955: The Dangerous Age of Childhood (2013).
Ovidia Yu, Aunty Lee's Delights (2013) - mystery set in Singapore, I might like it better if I had not hit a scene in which there is a good deal of POV head-hopping, which is rather putting me off.
Picked up, because I thought I hadn't read it, PD James, The Lighthouse (2005), and indeed as I began I didn't remember a thing, and then one incident rang a teeny bell and I looked at the end, because the one thing I did remember was a thing central to the solution of the mystery (the mystery itself I forgot), and it was one I had read, that clearly did not stick. Whether, that being the case, I should persist, is an open question. (The lengths to which James would go to get a situation approximating to trad country house party cut off by snow (or whatever) mystery.)
Up next
This week's Tremontaine episode.
Have now obtained Seth Koven's The Matchgirl and the Heiress but in terms of reading niches this probably comes after I've finished Anna Letitia. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

children, meme, books, litfic, biography, reading, social history, mysteries, bluestockings, sff

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