Number of posts during the year: 688. Number of comments received: 3623
Most commented-upon posts (as always, I don't know how this maps to 'most-read'):
NB Rote (Sumwut) Sarkastykle (83)
Over-familiar historical characters (68)
This is a recurrent aaaaarghness (58)
What is reenactable and why, and by whom? (54)
What is the compliment saying? (50)
Is this really a good idea? (49)
I have a question - (47)
No, really, I think a REAL Mitford would have said something wittier and more cutting (34)
We are so not there yet (32)
Very tempted to read against the grain on this one... (32)
First lines of each month (excl: birthday greetings):
Yesterday I saw a bloke walking a ferret on a leash in our street!
While I had to stretch a bit to be okay with the title The Suffragette Scandal, set some 30 years before 'suffragette' was a thing, I can see why Courtney Milan did it and in fact there is an afterword which explains and more or less excuses the solecism -
(I did wonder about using the urgent phallic icon for this post, srsly)
What I read: The Friend Who Got Away, which got its own response post.
(By popular request, further from) The Comfortable Courtesan
This is technically when Being Retired begins, although I have been using up leave entitlement, as one does.
Oh the ongoing appalling saga of wifi at O'Hare - due to the extreme mankiness of the website and the very unreliable nature of the connection, I appear to have paid 3 times for the same hour of really random internet connection.
Yesterday evening to the Tate Modern (late opening) to catch the Sonia Delaunay exhibition, which finishes next week, and take in the Agnes Martin one as well.
An oldie (2013) but an apposite goodie: Matt Haig, 30 things to tell a book snob.
The hoo-hah about the museum of women's history that ended up being a catchpenny commercial enterprise about Jack the Ripper still goes on: see this live-tweeting review by a historian.
During the week: made a loaf of oatmeal soda bread.
Apparently there is a December Posting Meme?
In other stats, GoodReads indicates that I read 212 books - on the one hand, some of these were very slim (novellas, episodes, etc), on the other, I did not include the books I read for Sekkrit Projekt #ifitoldyouidhavetokillyou, which was still on the go well into the New Year.
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