Partner was doing some decorating while I was away which didn't (as planned) actually get completed before my return, for reasons.
There are therefore piles of displaced STUFF here there and everywhere (but not in its usual place) and a general sense of disorientation.
Also, I knew I was going to have to examine a late-submitted Masters dissertation I have been supervising (for some value of supervising where I had precisely one face to face meeting with the candidate and it all went silent for months even when I prodded) next week but had not factored in last-minute panicked emails from the candidate asking for comments on draft sections. Which would be a bit last-minute and not something I could be giving my best critical attention to even were I not still jet-lagged. I gather there are reasons why they are being allowed to submit after the usual deadline, and I know that I myself am more of whatever is the equivalent of 'income 20/-, expenditure 19/6' when dealing with deadlines, and this probably makes me much weirder in statistical terms.
This is possibly a subset or allotrope of our work plaint re archive research queries that sometimes people approach people who could help them in ways that are not the most effective way of getting that help or just don't ask), and this is actually quite irksome when you know that you could be a lot more helpful IF ONLY.
Folks, I am getting quite possessed by
the_comfortable_courtesan. Lying awake last night with jetlag insomnia I was trying to work out what Mr P-'s horrendous play was going to be about (and now I know). (And it really does have an absolutely whopping part for Miss A-.)
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