I thought I was getting a cold - yesterday I had that irritable back of throat feeling followed by a not very good night - but this has not particularly developed. I'm not sure it's entirely gone but it does seem to have receded somewhat.
Just over a week to go at work, and I do feel that I am more or less getting on top of the various things I had to get sorted, apart from a couple of items where I require input from other departments.
This has included writing out to various long-term work connections to tell them that I am handing over the role of inhouse contact to other members of the team, and getting warm fuzzies back.
I have served my time with Sekkrit Projekt #ifitoldyouidhavetokillyou, and while omerta still rules over discussing any of it, the outcome has been appreciated, and whoooo, my reading time is my own again!
(Except for the reviewing stuff I have to do and Wiscon-panel related rereads, though the latter is pretty much a pleasure and a good excuse for returning to the works in question.)
I'm very much enjoying doing my Three Weeks for Dreamwidth project and in particular, am thrilled at the reader-response to my endeavours.
Have succeeding in booking tickets for Everyman at the National with Chiwetel Ejiofor, though ages ahead.
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