3) Meeting with a national body about project we are handing off to them, which might not be too bad if it was not timed in such a way as probably to unravel all the benefits of my yoga class.
Actually this was not too bad, we all seem to be on the same page and it sounds that some things may be less hassle than anticipated.
4) Second trip out of London to box up papers of Deceased Eminent Person In Their Field which are a) copious b) significantly disorganised c) in a cold cold house which is not near anywhere convenient, that has not actually been inhabited for some years. (This visit has also been the subject of ongoing Scheduling Hell.)
On the other hand this was possibly all that had been anticipated - while I did finish boxing up everything on the ground floor, go me, and one of the upstairs rooms, I was pretty much on the ball in originally suggesting that this was a three, rather than two, person job, and thus we have to make yet another trip to complete the task.
This however came with additional traveling aaargh, which involved my nearly missing the train, because for reasons beyond my control I was running late and when I saw a taxi I hailed it rather than getting the Tube, and there are all sorts of weirdnesses causing delay in the Kings Cross area. The bit of the train back where I was sitting was very cold (walking up the carriage I found that it was a lot warmer in other spots). The taxi-driver on my way home I have doubts was properly licensed to drive a London black cab, because seemed to be seriously lacking in Knowledge department and took me a very weird route.
Also I have had an email, yesterday evening (after working hours), from the organiser of a seminar I was somewhat dragooned into performing at last year, who appears to be trying to get me involved in ongoing activities related to it, saying that as I had said that I could not attend a meeting they were holding today (because bilocation, NO CAN HAZ) please read the documents at link they sent me and come back with comments by Friday. I do not think I am being a diva to think that this is just Not On? I have full-time job - which today was well over usual hours with a brief pause for lunch - plus my 'spare time' academic activities and, at the moment, Sekkrit Projekt, eating my time. I think asking me to read and report on something at essentially 24 hours notice is expecting a level of commitment I don't think I have ever made, as opposed to perhaps rather vague gestures of support. (Maybe they just need to go away and read that thing that's always going around about What Brits Really Mean When They Say X.)
Can this week be over now?
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