Okay, these are now past:
1) Giving paper to a seminar series that is perhaps somewhat tangential to What I Do, on new research stuff, this evening.
And I think went quite well, if I say it as shouldn't, people seemed to be enjoying it and getting things out of it even if it wasn't what they expected, and not only asked questions afterwards, came up to me over post-talk drinks to say how much they liked it, ask more questions, etc
2) Dentist - permanent crown to replace the temporary crown, fixing cracked tooth.
Which, you know, as dental stuff goes, could have been worse.
But I am so tired - yesterday I felt quite muzzy with tiredness and not much better today, and I can't think why, because had a relatively restful weekend as weekends go, have been sleeping a reasonable amount for me.
Okay, am still getting used to the new glasses, not only a new prescription but they seem to sit entirely differently to the old pair and I daresay it is just a matter of getting accustomed, but perhaps this is a kind of low-level stress and discomfort thing that is tiring?
Or maybe The Event took more out of me than I thought? (even if great success, institution in question is 'perhaps we could do this again?', and I got presented with some John Lewis vouchers at work in recognition, even if I considered it Just Doing My Duty).
It's not particularly the having-a-virus kind of tired, it's much more like overnight-flight-and-jetlag tired, which makes no particular sense.
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