The dolphin tempted me...

Feb 05, 2015 13:36

In this week's 'wot abaht bestiality' update: Man who had sex for a year with a captive Dolphin called Dolly... claims SHE seduced him.
Question: when a dog humps his leg, does he assume that the pooch wants to get jiggy with him? I think what we have here are all those assumptions about dolphins as different.
He has clearly, you should excuse the term, milked this encounter for all it was worth: Brenner told the story of their year-long affair relationship again in Dolphin Love, a new film which premiered last week at the Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Slamdance, which takes place at the same time as the more famous Sundance film festival, is seen as its edgier alternative and hosts more niche films.
Does 'edgier alternative... more niche', decode to 'nudge wink'? In previous interviews about this encounter, which he also turned into a novel called Wet Goddess, Brenner has claimed the relationship was consensual.
This is not so much the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name as the one That Will Not Shut Up.
The Poncey Artsie Higher Codswallop, I show u it: Filmmakers Kareem Tabsch and Joey Daoud have defended their film's content, say that Brenner's experience is 'unique' and an 'appealing' subject for a documentary. They told the Miami New Times: 'However uncomfortable it can be as a subject matter, what Malcolm experienced is unique and very real and very serious to him. 'He is a member of a community (zoophiles) who live on the outermost fringes of society. 'Their reality is something most of us can not comprehend, relate to or know much about- all of that makes it all the more appealing to me as a subject to tackle.'

I think they really need to get together with the chap whose film inspired (I am not that 'inspired' is quite the word) this post, reviewed with a Poncery Level = Maximum by Peter Bradshaw.
We await the independent film-makers award for Best Bestiality Pic of the year, since this seems to be becoming practically a trend. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

ponceyness, aestheticising, sexuality, higher codswallop, animals, zoophilia, exploitation, film

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