No, in fact, the niggles were not niggled

Feb 01, 2015 16:45

While I had to stretch a bit to be okay with the title The Suffragette Scandal, set some 30 years before 'suffragette' was a thing, I can see why Courtney Milan did it and in fact there is an afterword which explains and more or less excuses the solecism -
I was a bit 'huh' about our heroine, who owns a business and thus has employees dependent upon her, apart from any personal investment in the enterprise, agreeing to a very sudden marriage by special license -
Because, hello, Married Women's Property Act was 1882 -
However, there was an earlier much more limited (but not entirely toothless) Act in 1870 which I surmise would have applied to a woman carrying on a business in her own name entirely separate from her spouse and indeed set up well before their marriage.
So, that's all right then.
Also, Milan knows about Josephine Butler and gets the Contagious Diseases Acts pretty much right. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

niggles, pedantry, victorians, suffragette, feminism

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