New year memery

Jan 03, 2015 12:33

Since this appears to be A Thing across my rlist: When you see this, make a post in your journal or in a community. It can be anything: a crosspost something you've posted on Tumblr, a few words about the last thing you read/watched, or just a "Hi, how is everyone?" Then go read your f-list and leave at least one comment.

And while people may well be, does that
oursin ever shut up?, I don't think I do so many short posts in passing anymore but tend to save things up for something more substantial (and then probably forget stuff) -
In Dept of Vain Adornment, received this morning (after a card on Weds saying duty to pay), this lovely thing from
elisem. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. View

dreamwidth, jewellery, vanity, meme

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