My dearios know that a rise can reliably got out of yr hedjog by a number of things, among them, poncey designer wayz with bookz which take them as objects for aesthetic display rather than, you know, reading, and lists of books that everyone should have read/ought to read in the interests of having proper Kulchrle Kred.
Therefore, dear readers, I am rather delighted to be able to flag up reverse sides of those dreary ol' coins for once:
Take Your Home Library To A New Level With These Inspiring Design Ideaswhich is all about the books rather than I Show U My Edgy Interior Design Skillz, even if I deduct a point or two for the shelves with things other than books on (what is the point? what is the point?): but mostly these look like srs rdrz bookshelving concepts.
And the ultimate in non-prescriptive non-obligatory reading lists:
28 Books You Should Read If You Want To, bless its dear dinky cotton socks.
Though at the moment I am in a state of frustre, because I thought I had laid aside a particular book I wanted to reread during the recent reorganisation of the book-piles, and can I lay my hand on it? I fear that in spite of my endeavours it has got buried in among the Sekkrit Projekt books somewhere.
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