Working today.
Someone was actually booked in to use rare materials: - however, did not turn up.
We finally had one reader, who arrived well after my lunch-break.
(And on the subject of lunch-breaks, colleague and I agreed that half an hour, which is just about reasonable during normal circumstances, is really not quite long enough, with all the extra going up and down floors as well as between buildings necessitated by building works. Plz 2 send bicarb.)
But, anyway.
Not only did I do a swathe of housekeepingy stuff clearing things off the reserve shelves (for some reason things ordered well before the holiday break were not being automatically cancelled), and answer a couple of work-related queries -
- I sorted out the image running order of the PowerPoint for the Talk I Did Not Want to Give.
- I knocked off the article referee report and submitted it.
- I have made significant progress in turning conference paper I gave around this time last year into a book chapter, largely, but not entirely, simply by pasting in paragraphs from the draft of a chapter using much of the same material that I did years ago but the volume never happened. But also had some new and useful thoughts for contextualisation.
- I've also read the research proposal that I've been asked to referee.
So apart from the annoyance at having to go to work on a Saturday, that was actually a pretty productive day.
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