Sense of relief

Oct 21, 2013 20:18

Have been looking for Yogi Lemon Ginger Tea in several shops now and failing to find it: what I did find was Green Tea with Lemon and Ginger *NEW*.


(Green Tea, for all your monkey hallucination requirements... and even not going that far, have found it perhaps a leeetle over-stimulating.)

I was worried that, as in the case of so many other products, manufacturers cannot be content with a successful item but have to change it or mess around with it or just discontinue it.

But no: going to Yogi Tea website they still list Lemon and Ginger tout court, no green tea, not chai, so it looks as though I have just been unlucky in the shops I looked in.

Okay, there are other brands of Lemon Ginger tea, but this is the nicest, for my taste.

In other consumerist business, have grassed up PC World to the Consumers' Association and Camden Trading Standards Department (since the branch in question is in Camden).

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drinking, consumerism, relief

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