Dept of did she actually say that: Expression employed by one of the trainers at the gym during the week: 'I've got a memory like a fish'. I've never heard that before and am not sure whether it's an idiom I just hadn't encountered, based on what I believe researchers have proved is a scurrilous myth about goldfish and their memories, or whether it's based on a mishearing or misremembering of the expression 'memory like a sieve'.
Dept of unexpectedly larfing liek drayne, and at work at that:
Bangable Dudes in History.
Dept of heritage in miniature:
model village gets Grade II listed status.
Dept of Cool People one only discovers when they die and one comes across their obituary:
Bi Kidude, Zanzibari Taraab singer: fascinating
further account.
Dept of the price of everything and the value of nothing, while doubtless thinking it's all online now and that's just as good (if so, why is it worth a potential £50 million?):
Field Museum may be planning to sell rare books. SIGH.
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