Almost creepily apologetic email from BrGas this evening, indicating that they have now fixed my account and I am enabled to enter meter readings online.
I am not used to getting anything but catharsis from throwing a strop: so this is very gratifying.
Also gratifying (o hey, is this turning into My Friday Good Things?):
Visit to the MusculoSkeletal Assessment place re my ongoing hip thing, indicates that there is nothing sinister going on in there (the physio I have been seeing thought it might be worth getting a proper assessment done as it seemed so unusually problematic lately) and have even offered some NHS physio, and while I was kind of hoping that they would say they just needed to inject me with A Magic Bullet, it appears to have been a flare-up rather than augury of lurking problems.
Completion of cataloguing of recently acquired collection bang in the area of my research interests (Sid says Hai!).
Carol Dyhouse's Girl Trouble: so good!
And on the lighter reading side, not that the above is not enormous fun, I managed to log in to the site to download Diane Duane's The Big Meow, a task which hitherto had defeated me.
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