Sort of like when Buffy was brought back from the dead...

Dec 28, 2012 23:35

...and some weird entity hitched a ride and created trouble...

I had to do a full system restore on the netbook, and the good news is, it now talks to the interwebs again, I have reinstalled antivirus and other safety measures, Firefox, Thunderbird, Word, and a few other bits and bobs, just about everything that was previously on it that didn't come as standard.

However, in the course of installing various things that have not previously been troublesome, I acquired various hitchhikers, some of which were easily disposed of, and some - rather less.

Which I am still trying to get completely cleared off.

I also do not appreciate Uniblue, to whom I have complained about their computer-eating software, sending me emails about what amazing things their software does.

Plus, installing the latest iTunes upgrade chopped off the internet connection on my desktop, so I had to do a system restore, fortunately, I still had a recent restore point.

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annoyance, aaaargh, computer, buffy, bad business practices, technology

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