Dance of the happy archivist

Oct 11, 2012 18:05

Finally got back from Conservation the material we acquired some months ago as an addition to existing holdings of person's papers and I have started looking at them.

And I am massively cheered by the discovery that a) the notebooks contain data that fills in certain chronological gaps in what we already have and b) also go some way to explicating the relationship between the data in these notebooks and in the form we already hold.

This is the sort of thing that gladdens the heart of the archivist.


Thinking further about the comfort food discussion yesterday and what comfort food is for, I remembered a conversation I had with my then sort-of boyfriend during my first term at university, when I had a cold and wanted to buy some milk with the intention of having some hot milk, and he was shocked, because Heating Would Destroy The Vitamin C (is there really enough in pasteurised milk that it would make any difference at all?).

Comfort food/drink isn't logical and there isn't necessarily a rational reason for its consumption.

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food, archives, irrationality, comfort, work, pleasure

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