Friday three

Aug 03, 2012 21:00

Can it be The End Times here? Peter Bradshaw laughs at a movie:
Ted has nothing much to offer in terms of subtlety and sensitivity, but there are plenty of laughs.

Though given Bradshaw's usual cinematic tastes*, maybe he was due for a spot of unsubtle, insensitive hilarity, just as he once copped to loving Twilight


Woman in gym changing room says she's not going to have a shower.

Since she had just lavishly sprayed herself with deodorant, I'd sort of worked that out.

(She also sprayed herself with a similar lavish hand before working out. It's a gym. People are going to be used to a degree of sweat/perspiration/glow**.)


Spent a frustrating too-long time with my old scanner trying to scan a couple of items from my research files to send on to someone, and the old scanner apparently believing that I was trying to scan film rather than a document and thus refusing to calibrate. I don't even. I couldn't see any setting, other than 'hi! scan as pdf!' which I'd already clicked, to get it to recognise what I was doing.

The upside of this was that when I caved in and tried my wireless colour printer/scanner, I finally found out how to scan multiple page documents, which is worth knowing (you can't do this from its touchscreen, you have to do it via the computer interface).


*'[A]udacious, uncompromising and possessed of a mysterious grandeur in its wintry pessimism' was a phrase I particularly associate with the kind of thing Mr Bradshaw tends to rate. Let us also recall his response to the docudrama about zoophiles. And his very, very creepy review of Elegy.

**Horses sweat
Men perspire
Ladies only glow.

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cleanliness, ponceyness, critics, criticism, humour, annoyance, creepy, gym, comedy, technology, film

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