Finding a word for something is satisfying, but I'm not sure how far it gets me.
While I was away I had a small and trivial incident of a thing that I find generates a disproportionate emotional response of rage, resentment and humiliation.
This occurs if I go into a restaurant (bar, shop, etc) and they appear either not to notice me at all or have forgotten all about me after directing me to a seat. I will cut them some slack if it's busy and there's a rush on, and it's not that I want to jump the queue and be dealt with first, or anything like that -
But if it's not busy and there are people pottering about, and I'm just sitting there like a lemon or an invisible person, I find this very agitating*.
I retrieved today from the recesses of memory the term 'restimulation' from my long-ago days in the world of
co-counselling - the concept that things that happen in the present can re-ignite bad old feelings from the past associated with similar circumstances.
But although I can recall other similar incidents, I'm not sure any of them are the deep down precipitating Thing at the root of this all.
Which of course may well be something entirely different, that nonetheless gets evoked by these situations.
*(It's not quite the same thing as wanting to make a contribution to a discussion where the moderator seems to be deliberately overlooking my signals.)
(Not sure how coherent any of this is as I have been going around in a wooze all day with jetlag.)
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