Dept of things one really doesn't want to tackle prior to one's first cup of coffee: removing muesli from a USB connector (just don't ask).
Dept of curious part/whole relationship: finding passages that one thinks are rather good and puts in one's quotation file in books that, as a whole, one thought rather dire.
Dept of lady typewriters:
Why do we have such a complicated relationship with keyboard skills? Speak for thissen, lass, because I took a typing course between my first and second years at university because my handwriting even then was Just That Bad.
Dept of Cool Digital C19th Feminist Stuff:
Olive Schreiner Letters Online. Yay.
Dept of A Little Is Bad Enough: catering staff telling me that there is only a 'little parmesan' on top of the stuffed veggies.
Dept of Being Internationally Renowned: receiving one's contributor's copy of a scholarly journal in which one's command of the language, adequate for touristic purposes, does not enable one actually to read to see if it actually represents what one said.
Dept of Disgusted Tunbridge Wells: people who leave messages on the departmental phoneline, have come through the wrong dept, mumble their phone no so that one is uncertain whether one has it down correctly, and then, although the phone rings when one returns their call to put them on the right track, cuts out to dead silence after a few rings.
Dept of the Vaguely Irksome: someone who posts a question to an academic social networking site covering a vast swathe of disciplines and fields asking 'What's the most interesting new argument or idea that you've read in an academic book or article lately?' I'm not sure I'd like the question much even if it were not quite so broad.
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