Does anyone actually notice this?

Dec 14, 2011 17:46

Brought to you by currently undergoing a round of dental treatment involving, among other things, replacement of a crown.

(I'm not entirely sure whether it's just that I have awful teeth, or whether I am now, and have been for some while, seeing the fallout from earlier dental overtreatment.)

Anyway, the cap thing involves taking moulds, and ultimately inserting the replacement crown, and the dentist asking me at various stages of the process to bite down. And then asking me 'Is that the way you normally bite?'

A question which causes me deep existential angst like unto the centipede asked how it walked, because when I'm actually biting things that aren't dental moulding gunk and so on in a dentistry-related context, I don't actually think about the process.

I'm more, 'I don't know, I think it's the way I normally bite, but after all, this is a somewhat artificial situation, what with the rubbery gunky stuff and so forth, not to mention the fingers in my mouth and the gurgly swooshy thing, etc'.

It's All More Complicated, the dentistry version.

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confusion, questions, complexity, dental, angst

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