It was really only mildly irksome...

Aug 04, 2011 19:29

To get up rather earlier than usual in order to get into work somewhat ahead of my usual hour in order to do a Radio 3 recording (gentle readers, one is so glad to be up where one belongs after les horreurs of Channel 4 sexploitation).

Compared to other ordeals I have gone through in the interests of providing media content.

I think possibly the worst was the phone interview I was obliged to conduct stark naked and dripping wet, before breakfast, in Brisbane, with a radio station in Canberra, on account of not having realised that there was a time difference and having been in the shower, thinking I did not have to do it for another hour.

I was also less than thrilled with having to hie me to the British Library for an 8 am recording (because they could not do it at a more civilised hour, because the Library would be open), because doing it there in the first place struck me as entirely spurious. Your programme is about something that occurred in the British Museum Reading Room, back in the day; I don't think you're gaining any histori-vibes on the subsonic level by doing the interview in one of the St Pancras reading rooms. Also, as I recall, I had barely 48 hours previously been in the USA and was still excessively jetlagged.

There was also the interview with the person with the snazzy new digital recorder, which turned out to have Not Recorded any of the interview when they checked, so we had to take it from the top all over again.

And in terms of perhaps rather dumb places to do the interview, the one in the Edwardian conservatory on a rainy day where we had to keep stopping as rain rattled against the panes like gunshot and it all took pretty much twice as long as anticipated for that reason.

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niggles, time, media, jetlag, peeves

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