Not the greatest Saturday perhaps...

Oct 10, 2009 18:09

In that I was scheduled to work and feeling that I wasn't feeling bad enough to plead illness, so I went in

Even though most of the day I was suffering from a niggling sinusy-type headache that took a long time to shift, and a vaguely queasy feeling


No-one turned up until very late morning, and we only had three rare materials readers altogether.

On the other hand:

I churned out:

Referee reports on 3 journal articles

One review of book proposal

One report on funding application

So the time was fairly productively spent.


In other news:

Thanks for the advice on ebook readers, I am going to hold off for a few months (especially as I already have a stash of Books To Take Away on impending holiday).

Re Kate O'Brien, as well as arguments received in comments on my post, I discover that she is described on her tombstone (in Kent) as 'Irish writer', so will resist co-opting her to British women writers of the period.

Yet again, in the Guardian Weekend there was a design feature (can't find it in online version) on jazzing up your bookshelves (including the concept of a 'book-tree' on which you balance selected volumes in a supposedly aesthetically pleasing fashion, I think I would have requested passing the sick-bag even had I not been feeling a bit nauseous to begin with). Books, in my humble, are their own statement, you don't actually have to do design things with them.

And it looks as though, after a fair amount of emailing and a telephone conversation, I have sorted out the Divertimenti problem and should be getting my smoker shortly.

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health, advice, shopping, books, accomplished, nationality, shelves, cooking, kate o'brien, consumerism, identity, work

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