Because I never get tired of deploying the word 'penumbra'

Jun 02, 2009 15:30

Also 'I am a seagull... no, I am a hedgehog'.

Lots of juicy discussion going on hither and yon provoked by this post of

But I don't feel that I fit anywhere particularly in this debate.

I'm probably more book fandom than media fandom, except not even sure if I really truly participate in fandom (my fandom is my fan friends, perhaps), whatever that means and how it is defined.

As for the generational thing, hmmm, have a feeling that I am very probably older than quite a few of the Old Guard.

In fact I am feeling about this a bit like I feel about the issue of feminist or academic blogs - I am large, I contain multitudes, and it's pretty much all here and it overlaps with various things.

Okay, academically I guess I still do a lot of my engaging with the virtual world via my website and dedicated listservs, but I don't actually leave out the academic stuff when writing here.

(In fact a significant number of people have said to me that they first came for the cooking posts, which I consider a rather synoptic log of my culinary activity. They then stuck around for everything else (or those bits of it they liked, anyway).

I fell into the LJ nearly 6 years ago and found it became a home. Style rather than content, perhaps, except that the people with whom I associate also, I think, have certain things in common which is also about content matters.

Or personal styles rather than simply the interactive mode of LJ/DW - because I'm sure there are corners of both where I could hang out that look nothing like the corner where I do, and where the burning issues that pop up all over my flist/reading page don't trouble the ether one little bit.

So I'm intensely interested but don't feel like I have anything much to contribute to the debate.

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fandom, networks, dreamwidth, style, lj, flist, generation

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