Struggle for Dominance [Oneshot Fanfic]

Feb 14, 2011 15:13

Title: Struggle for Dominance
Disclaimer: Bleach doesn't belong to me... I just borrow the characters for my muse to play with.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Potentially DUB-CON. Slight BDSM. Dirty talk. Ichigo is assumed to be legal (I claim emancipated minor status.)
Info: Set just immediately before Ichigo's second fight with Grimmjow, where he uses his mask consciously in battle for the first time. Can't remember the exact chapter.
Pairing: ShiroIchi
Summary: Ichigo and his Hollow have a match and the winner is rewarded.
A/N: I guess you could call this a Shiro-style Valentine's fic. XD Brought on by the springkink prompt for 14th Feb - Hichigo/Ichigo: Struggle for dominance - "This way I'm the king."

“Well King, if that’s all you can do, forget about saving the princess.” )
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