Sighs. I was going to leave this along, but he keeps on dragging this out in his blog.
I really don't know where to start with the crazy on this one. Let's see, his supporters are anonymous, but for not giving him my real name - or that's part of the reason - he says this: This identifies you as a C--t. Well, you're not showing that you're misogynistic at all, so that's always a plus. In addition, calling me one - although he didn't really call me so much as identify me, which confuses the hell out of me - seems to prove that, hey, no, I really, really don't want to give you my name. Also, as much as I'm loathe to give out advice on how to insult me, I might as well have a laugh and also not be pained by the grammar. "You're a *inert women-hating insult here*," would have solved this with a simple three words, thereby clarifying your position.
Furthermore, he can't differentiate between me believing something, and me believing he says something that he says is a lie. I called him out on all those supporters who didn't want to give their names, saying no doubt he'll claim he got praised for yet more bashing of those who visit the Amazon forum. He went on to say that, oh, gosh, how nice that I believed he'd get praised for it - to which I responded, snort, no, the claim means that I believe you'll lie about it, as I believe you have before. If not, why wouldn't one single author stand up for him, and say use my name? If he used made up names, he'd get called out on his lies, and if he used real names, the author would likely hear about it and also call him out on his lies. This, in combination with his aggressive, if not abusive, manner means that I don't believe nearly as many people sympathized with him, if any at all have as of yet.
Or how about the fact that he reamed a couple Barnes and Noble employees for not being able to show him the ebook section where he could browse ebooks in their store, and then ranting about, whines, how he had to take his Nook/phone into the store to browse for books. Oh, yeah, sure the employees are obtuse. Luckily, one of the two employees were women - although apparently he goes off on the male employee more than the female. It's a shame, because he didn't get his women bashing quota in that night.
So, he calls blogs forum, and forum blogs - as I just noticed his private blog is what he calls his forum. If he plans on writing anything set in the digital age, he better learn his proper terminology. Actually, this is just plain lazy research as he could simply google the terms, and sound intelligent. So, in addition to being a vile human being so far, he's given me the impression that he refuses to do simple google searches, and has really lousy sentence structure - at least when he goes all Hulk on people - so I have no reason to believe that his writing is any good. At all. I could be right, but I don't plan on giving this man any of my money, ever.
Part of that is that he gives out people's names, most likely so that they can harass those people, as he put my e-mail on his 'forum': And another poster at Amazon, who he said someone claimed 'needed to get laid', and gloated that he felt offended - for however got that job. Can you tell just how much he adores womankind? Although my favorite is the time that he says another person who contacted him believed she lived with a dog because she couldn't get a man, and was letting out her pent up rage and bitterness, and how he agreed. Because clearly his blog isn't a way for an impotent man to vent his own issues.
If you want more crazy, he says I accuse him of stalking me, because I told him that if he intended to libel me as he did another on his blog, I'd look into legal steps I could take. Well, that kept him from posting anything truly vile in a public forum - which I told the other poster, that if she threatened to look into it, he might at least take down the offensiveness - but he keeps going on and on about me. It's making me feel all tingly and special, in fact - and not at all like he's obsessed with me.
He has all these grandiose ideas - that there's an Amazon 'do not buy' list, despite the fact that people have said 'you're going on *my* do not buy list'. (Readers do this often on the forum - if the author attacks a reader, or in general acts like a fool, or a jerk, they will get blacklisted by people who don't want to reward their bad behavior by giving them money.) Not only that, why wouldn't Amazon want more money instead of less if he can sell his book through them? Clearly, despite him telling me I have no logic, his is lacking as well. Not only that, the energy it would take to get him banned from Amazon's market wouldn't be worth having him out of that system. He gives himself a little too much credit.
Also, for all you writers out there, this is the editor he uses: Sadly, it's a woman who may just be so desperate for money that she's willing to work for him. I, however, urge anyone reading this who cares about any woman or girl in their life to blacklist not only Surra but his editor as well.
PS - I'll respond to comments, but I won't post about this again unless Surra does start posting about my life - which I'll find hilarious if tiresome, because quite frankly after two posts, it is getting a little tiresome.