May 11, 2010 19:39

Wow... today was absolutely awesome. I snagged a friend to see Kickass - which was much more fun than seeing it alone - and then Occulation - first edition, signed, and personalized, was on my table waiting for me. Seeing as I was expecting it to be a season of Smallville, just, um, wow. Words fail me at how much more awesome this is. I am mind-boggled.

Laird, if you're reading this, I'm in the middle of Occulation and loving every moment. It's also surreal rereading part of The Forest, seeing The Human Centipede in theater, and then finishing the Forest in one night. Dear god, so much bug-related horror. (Damn, I miss this past Saturday. Tons of bug-related yet amazingly awesome horror=want to do again.)

Anyway, Laird Barron=awesome. Not just writing-wise. Although he's the best horror writer currently writing (I'll fight over that, too), he just keeps blowing me away as far as being an amazing human being. Also, this is the first time that one single writer has convinced me to buy anything by one publisher just because it sounds remotely interesting/the cover is pretty and because it's published by his publishing house. (Well, that and I'm liking the Windup Girl which I swear I bought because the cover was pretty, I was only vaguely interested, but they publish Laird.) Seriously, anyone who can see that Laird is this all around awesome in everything deserves my business. (Although any horror comes first. Especially Barron's books, and particularly any special editions they put out of his. I'm determined to get those...)


PS - buy The Imago Sequence in trade paperback - the big ones for those who don't know the lingo - and Occulation in hardcover. You won't be disappointed.

PPS - if I didn't mention it, I <3 Hitgirl. Yes, I am going to look for a purple wig now...
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