Just to get everything out...

Sep 20, 2009 16:18

One, today I paid for my nasal spray so I didn't have to get b-12 shots. Fifty bucks >< Ah, well, my parents were pushing for me to go nasal spray and have offered to pay, so I'm going to let them, at least this time around.

Two, my dad was being sued for negligence. It was a bullshit suit, and he won on Friday. Yay. I had a stress migraine on Tuesday, so bad that I took my migraine meds after work and was all zombie-like wonky, but it was all good. I did finish up two hours of work with the migraine so it wasn't puking/completely debilitating, but I was later told by family members that I should have just come home and taken the meds... However, I also didn't completely freak so... Obviously I am becoming more Vulcan like - although the price of the meds made me want to curl up and cry. I really don't look forward to paying that every two months forever -_- So I'm not all the way there.

Three, I haven't turned on my computer for more than fifteen minutes per day. Real life too satisfying, and too busy.

Four, I have found new horror authors. Discovered Thomas Ligotti, loved My Work Is Not Yet Done. Lent the other book to Rene. Also, new Skipp edited zombie anthology is gorgeous! Am looking forward to Bite Marks, as well. Halloween table? Very bad for my bank account. (I also want more signed books; I've had a craving for them lately O_O That and first editions. Have never had a great urge for either before.)

Five, snagged last Fringe with exclusive comic at Best Buy. Yay Walter. I so love his character. Yay for the giddiness of new fandoms. Also, I can't tell you how much I love Walter. Not in a lusty way, but I love his character to the point that I think he's my favorite at the moment. Between Star Trek, Fringe, ST books and comics, TF cartoons, movies, and the slight fandom connections I still retain, I am completely fulfilled in my fangasms.

Six, I've started wanting it to be July already dammit. Can I has readercon now? Thank god for a con where there's no dressing up - I've always found the human-bot costumes silly and only now have found the courage to say so, or other ridiculous behavior. This is, as Bill has said, a respectable convention. Or as another friend told me, it's boring. Just what I'm looking for, however. (Seriously, I wanna blow like a grand on the rare books there... Bad, bad Dex...)

So, pretty much all of this tells you I'm alive, doing well, and probably won't be on as often.

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