Jun 16, 2004 10:56
Well the temperature has gone from the 88 degrees yesterday to 50 degrees today and it is raining. So Ashley Mom and I decided to quit fencing. We got all of the metal posts in and were about to start on the wooden ones when we decided to stop for some hot coco. When we came back out it was drizzling so we have pretty much called it quits for the day. I think that Mom and I are going to start on the plans that I have been putting off for forever. And if the rain lets up we might go out and try it again.
Yesterday was a hard day here on the farm. My dog came running out to where we were fencing and was acting a little funny so Ken took her home. She started having seizures and falling down. It was pretty scary but she is getting to be an old dog. Then Mom and I went down to see my Grandparents. Grandma has seemed to be a little out of it since the surgery and she had her blood drawn yesterday and we found out why. Her hemoglobin, white and red blood cell counts are all critically low. Of course the doctor hasn’t even called to talk to her yet. Grandpa also has a bump on his shoulder that has gone from nothing to the size of a golf ball in 2 days. So they are waiting until next Monday to do a biopsy. I also found out that Grandpa still thinks that I am in Alaska even though I have been back for about a year. It is just sad that his memory is so bad.
So I guess I am glad that I am out here for the summer but it is not easy. It seems that everyone is growing old before their time and I am just not ready for it. It has always been easier for me to just ignore problems and I can't really do that anymore.