Mar 29, 2012 17:23
5w3d and all seems to be well. Had the blood draw this morning and just found the results online. HCG beta level was 7914. Numbers definitely went up, big jump from last week. From what I can find out online, at 24 dpo the average is 2637, with a typical range from 540- 10,000 IU/L.
Slight nausea feeling all day today (oh crap) and the very strong sensation of "I NEED to EAT!!!!!"
Midwife appointment today-- my previous midwife welcomed me back with open arms and we had a great first appointment. Love her and the practice. Wish we could consider a home birth, but Kyle will not even think about it...
As to how I'm feeling-- wow, we really are going to do this.
I'm absolutely exhausted. I had a very long work day. Sitting in the welfare office with a client for over two hours was quite an adventure... Very thankful for the great fortune I have in my life. Just picked up my crazy kids from a very frustrated babysitter. Need to get some dinner into them and then once Kyle is home I'll be rushing off for my three-hour "Safe Babies" course. (Working with drug and alcohol-impacted little ones.) LONG night ahead yet. Digging for some inner strength, as all I really want to do is have a hot bath and go to bed. The nausea is increasing as the day wears on-- I'm in trouble.