May 28, 2004 12:55
Hey everyone.. this is a really old poem that i dont really like but yeah here it is...
Daddy's little girl just made her last mistake
She's had all that she could
She's had all she can take
This may sound wrong to you
But its right in her mind
She's been in too much trouble
She's been in too many binds
She's ready to be done with it
To cross the finish line
She's not going to win
But to her that's just fine
The last time she won
Is a memory of hers
A special little thought
Of when she actually got first
But those were the days
Back when everything was good
When smart girls and boys
did just as they should
Now thats all over
And shes ready to stop
Theres nothing to stand for
shes ready to drop
No ones trying to stop her
Theres no comfort in sight
They dont see her tears
Or how shes putting up a fight
So they walk right by
And quickly look away
Their mouths stay shut
They've got nothing to say
So this is her last
You wont see her anymore
She'll never set foot
Through those classic school doors
She'll dissapear
But will anyone notice
That shes not around
That her seat is empty
When they all sit down
Will the rumors spread
That shes not there
B/c shes no more
B/c she is dead
Will the lies replace what happened
Of how she overdosed
Or used a rope
Or will they see
That the real reason shes not there
Is b/c of you and me
yeah so i really dont like it
too much ryhming