Title: Pets. Pairing: Henry/Amber Fandom: Super Junior/F(x) Rating: PG for language. Genre: Slice of life. Romance. Fluff. Summary: For every special occasion, Henry would bring home a new pet.
so the drabble from before is in there, but you added stuff OH MY GOD *flails* I - I don't know what I love more @_@ BUT HERE GOES (get comfortable, this'll be long) she had no choice but to listen to that Qian-like voice in her head ahahahahahaha Vic will always be a mother hen <3
“Oh, come on, Rover. It’s been barely fifteen minutes!” looooool, lazy Rover and kid Henry <3
She rolled her eyes. “Nope, I’m speaking in Parseltongue.” OMG HARRY POTTER REFERENCE XD
Henry’s excuse for buying Birdy however made less sense than Luna’s English. you made a reference to Luna's English. I love you.
“Well… what’s his name?” “Birdy!” Henry needs to get better at naming his pets. same with 'Timon'
Henry was beside her, looking at her like she was the most precious person in the world *flails* ._. *flails some more*
Last time Amber was sad, he played dead, which, to be honest, wasn’t any different to how he usually was. for some reason, lazy Rover amuses me XD he's like one of those sweethearts who are really lazy, but in the
( ... )
omigosh really? XDDD it's stomach burst? XD actually... that's not very pleasant.... Luna's english is basically giberish XD and YAY I'm glad I made your day hahaha you made mine <3 and what does tq stand for? -needs sleep-
OH MY GOD *flails*
I - I don't know what I love more @_@ BUT HERE GOES (get comfortable, this'll be long)
she had no choice but to listen to that Qian-like voice in her head
ahahahahahaha Vic will always be a mother hen <3
“Oh, come on, Rover. It’s been barely fifteen minutes!”
looooool, lazy Rover and kid Henry <3
She rolled her eyes. “Nope, I’m speaking in Parseltongue.”
Henry’s excuse for buying Birdy however made less sense than Luna’s English.
you made a reference to Luna's English. I love you.
“Well… what’s his name?”
Henry needs to get better at naming his pets.
same with 'Timon'
Henry was beside her, looking at her like she was the most precious person in the world
*flails* ._. *flails some more*
Last time Amber was sad, he played dead, which, to be honest, wasn’t any different to how he usually was. for some reason, lazy Rover amuses me XD he's like one of those sweethearts who are really lazy, but in the ( ... )
I've only seen a few clips of Luna's English, it's adorable.
and asdsghdghjhj I'm glad that you liked it! and your comment made my day ^^
tq bb.
Luna's english is basically giberish XD
and YAY I'm glad I made your day hahaha you made mine <3
and what does tq stand for? -needs sleep-
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