Oblivion - Prologue && Chapter One

Jan 10, 2009 22:42

Title: Oblivion.
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Angst, mystery.
Disclaimer(s): If I owned them, I wouldn't be writing this.
Summary: Sungmin has mental problems. It's like he's living in two worlds and they both have in common this boy. But, is he really insane?


It was like he was living two lives. They both had nothing and everything in common. And there was this boy. This tall, dark-haired boy, who was always following him, not wanting to let him escape. Sungmin had asked why, but the boy only answered I can't. They were always closed in this room, or so it looked to Sungmin. It wasn't just an ordinary room, he could feel it had a different aura, that sent shivers down his spine.

Sometimes, he'd wake up and see his familiar room again, with pale, pink walls and books all over the floor. Then he'd live a normal day, but sometimes, he'd feel his legs tremble, his breath racing fast, and he'd hear voices inside his head.

“Re... I... ca..”

He could never hear exactly what they said. Sometimes they were like this buzzing inside his head, going on and on, driving him crazy.

He couldn't escape it.

Chapter One.

Sunday, January 18, 7:55 pm.

He was eating his food slowly, taking his time on masticating it. They were having kimchi. Not his favorite. It was a bit too spicy for Sungmin's taste, but of course he didn't complain about it. He'd learned it wasn't good to complain in front of his parents. They'd get way too worried about him and they wouldn't leave him alone at all, like he was sick or something. Though, his parents and brother kept on throwing him worried looks from time to time. He didn't understand why. Was something wrong with him? He was healthy from all he knew. Well, that if you took away him hearing strange voices inside his head. But other than that he was completely normal.

Sungmin stood up, his chair creaking loudly. Everyone stared at him.

“I've finished.” - he spoke slowly.

His parents nodded and his mother smiled at him. She stood up too and kissed his forehead. Sungmin smiled a bit and started walking upstairs, to his room. He crashed on his bed, burying his face in his puffy pillow. He sighed and turned on his back. Am I any different from other people?-he asked himself - Is that why mom makes me go see this person and tell her about my life every two weeks? He coughed. He'd been feeling a bit sick, since winter had started. The reason had to be a cold. He stood up and walked to the bathroom. His mother had left him some cold medicine in the cupboard. He looked for them. Aspirin, aspirin, where is it? Aha! He finally found it. He started walking over to his desk, where had a bottle of water, but then it happened again. The same sensation overwhelmed him. He felt his legs melting, his head hurt again. He fell on his knees. The buzz was coming again. Why is this happening to me? - he asked himself.

“S... Su...”

What was it trying to say? He couldn't understand anything. It was like when he talked to someone on the phone and there was that noise because of losing signal, words being cut off - that was exactly what he heard. Only, he wasn't on the phone.

“Sl... N... Pl... Be...”

And they stopped. Just like that. Sungmin sighed in relief. He crawled on his knees to his desk, the aspirin laying forgotten on the floor, he looked for his notebook. The notebook where he wrote down everything, hoping that somehow it'd help him understand something. He scribbled down all the pieces he'd heard. Then, he stared at the paper. Su. He looked at another page and saw the letters in.

Sungmin. - he finally realized - It's calling for my name.


The boy held a wing-shaped locket in his hand. He kept throwing it up and down. Up and down. Sungmin was mesmerized by its movement. His eyes followed it without even blinking.

They were in that room again. It all felt weird. There wasn't a door to go out, nor a window. There were two benches. Nothing else. Just void. He'd only once talked to the boy, but he hadn't asked his name. He was afraid of him. He looked different from all the other people Sungmin had met. He was really tall and thin. His eyes never expressed any feelings. Neither did his face.

Sungmin kept staring at him, until his harsh voice echoed through the room.

“What are you staring at?” - the boy stopped playing with his locket and put it in his pocket. He stood up from his bench and started walking around with slow steps that didn't make any noise.

“I'm sorry, I didn't want to stare at you.” - Sungmin scratched the back of his head, nervously. Though, this was his chance. To finally talk to him. He couldn't lose this opportunity. “So, who are you?”

“Hm?” - Kyuhyun asked confused.

“Do you have a name? Mine is -”

“I know your name.” - the boy cut him off - “Why do you have to know mine. It's not going to help you with anything.”

“Maybe. Who knows?”

“I know. I've been through this, you've been in my place.”

Sungmin was taken aback.

“What do you mean?”

“You'll see. Anyway, my name's Kyuhyun.”

Sungmin nodded. Kyuhyun took out his locket and started playing with it again.

“What's it for?” - he asked.

The boy smirked and ignored him.

I really want to know what's it for...


Sunday, January 18, 8:05 pm.

Sungmin opened his eyes in fear. He was still lying on the floor, notebook on his lap. I must've fallen asleep. - he thought. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the watch he wore. 20.05 PM. His eyes widened in shock. No time had passed since the time he heard the voices. What had just happened?


Monday, January 19, 6:45 am.

There was a vague sound ringing in his head, he wanted to make it stop, he didn't want to wake up, he felt sick and about to throw up. The sound started ringing louder and louder, until he could finally hear it well.

“Oh, just stop it!” - Sungmin yelled and turned off the alarm clock.

He kicked off the bed covers and got out of bed. He rubbed his eyes and went to the bathroom. He washed his face. Now, he felt better. He reached out for a towel on his right and dried his face. As he opened his eyes wider, he noticed a shiny wing-shaped locker on the sink. He stared at it. It was exactly the same as Kyuhyun's. Why would he have it now?

He took it in his hand and opened it. There was a small, golden key inside. He took it between his fingers. It was so small that he could barely hold it. He checked it out - there seemed to be nothing weird about it except for its size. It was just a complete normal key.

I wonder what it opens.

A/N: This is my first Super Junior fanfic! XD
I started writing this because I wanted to try writing mystery and see if I could handle it! [:
Anyway, many thanks to my beta: Jen (mustenentwined3 )♥

group: super junior, pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin, #multi-chapter

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